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About RockIt Card™

RockIt Cards™, equipped with NFC technology, fulfill a crucial role for music artists. In today's digital landscape, your presence sprawls across numerous social media, streaming, and viral platforms. RockIt Cards™ provide a streamlined avenue for fans and collaborators to locate you whenever they desire.


​Consolidate your biography, image, contact details, social media handles, and streaming platform links onto a single, portable, and collectible card. Additionally, enjoy the convenience of an integrated events calendar for promoting upcoming gigs and showcases. Leverage the capabilities of NFC technology to elevate your musical journey with RockIt Card™.

The Cards
Try RockIt Card for yourself

Tap, click or scan the QR code above for demo.

RockIt Cards™ are tappable on most cell phones and include a scannable QR Code for older phones and other cellular devices like iPads™ and tablets. Scan the code on the card above to test out the RockIt Card™ patent-pending system.

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